Highschool DxD x Oc/Male Reader - Chapter 41 - TheMeepDragon (2024)

Chapter Text

With Ryo:

"Hey Ryo. How do you think I look?" Serafall asked as she stared into a mirror placing her hair into her iconic twin-tails, the door to the room open to reveal the shared bedroom of her and ghoul as said person sat on his bed reading deeply into some manga he found

"Stunning." He would respond, not really paying attention nor caring as he flipped the page on his manga; he nearly dropped it however when the Satan would quickly latch herself onto her side for a tight hug of gratitude, her chest pressing closing against the red eyed male's head with said "devil" gaining his usual deadpan as he continues to read his manga with a tighter grip.

"Aww, thanks! You're so sweet!" She would exclaim happily as the male under her threatened to roll his eyes

"Yeah sure." He would reply as he was pulled in for an even tighter embrace

It was the evening of the summit meeting between the Three Factions plus the Shinto Faction, and everyone was trying to get ready and prepare for the inevitable confrontation. The peerages were steadying themselves, the leaders were gathering their bearings and people, and anyone else was doing whatever was in between. As we are witnessing one such person, the sole female Satan would currently be working on her hair, using her usual dark pink ribbons to hold it into it's normal style after putting on her more professional attire; which consisted of a dark green button down shirt with a pink handkerchief, her outfit concluding with a knee length black dress and black shoes. It wasn't anything major like what her fellow Satans wear, and to be honest she was pretty content about it.

"Welp, time to go to the school! This meeting seems like it's gonna be big, even with certain...people." Serafall says happily at first before a pout came to her face, a sideway glare appearing on her face after she rose up in front of the ghoul before her with her hands on her hips. Said person just flipped through another page of his manga, more interested in that more than what the black haired female was telling him.

"Have fun." Ryo would tell her, the girl nodding and turning away with closed eyes and a smile

"Thank you! Time to go-" She would begin before looking back at him with a surprised look

"Wait what?" Serafall would question as the ghoul once again flipped a page in his manga, never taking his eyes off of the illustrations

"I said have fun at your meeting. I know you aren't deaf." The white-red haired male replied, the Satan in front of him giving him a confused look

"Why are you saying that? You know you're coming with me right?" Serafall would ask, finally catching the ghoul's attention as he stares up at her blankly

"What?" Ryo asked as the girl's smile came back to her face

"The other leaders requested that you would show up to the meeting so that they could meet you, since you are the last remaining member of a Faction that was pretty much wiped out a while back. They just to want to know how you look like, how strong you are, and how you would answer to certain stuff that is going on in the supernatural world." Serafall would tell him, the ghoul opening his mouth to speak only to get cut off when she began again as she lifted up a finger with a bright smile

"On top of this you managed to beat up that war hawk Kokabiel not too long ago, and everyone is interested to meet one of the people who killed such a powerful foe. You don't mind coming along, would you?" The blue eyed female asked, clasping her hands together and giving the ghoul a powerful case of puppy-dog eyes. It actually got the male to sweatdrop, his deadpan ever so present as he stood up from his bed and towards his closet.

"Tch, this sh*t better be interesting." Ryo muttered to himself as he saw it was virtually impossible to argue with Satan, who give a cute "yay" with a little jump and everything

Narrowing his eyes a bit, Ryo would take out some materials from the closet he was in before speeding past Serafall and into the bathroom as quick winds flew past the Satan, who blinked and looked back towards the door behind her. Not even a minute later would Ryo come out in his battle attire; which consisted of his usual black pants but now combined with a light and thin black jacket that was torn just above his elbows, a black t-shirt under that with a white smiley face on the center, a silver and black belt, black boots, and a white bandage wrapping that went down his his mid-forearm to just below his fingertips. Now, some of you may be asking why he put on his battle attire I assume? Well because of two reasons...

One, he knew Vali and Ophis were appearing, and he had half a mind to fight them when they show up. Second...He lost his dress suit.

"Well this is something. Nothing fancy, so sorry if you're looking for something of that range." The ghoul would tell the Satan, who would eye him up and down before nodding

"Oh it's no problem. After all, I'm sure Rias and Sona are going to come in their school uniforms with everyone anyways." Serafall told him with a chuckle of amusem*nt, making the male in front of her deadpan and slump his shoulders a bit once he heard that

"Ah..." He got out silently before the devil in front of him walked in front of him, placing a hand on his chest as a blue circle began to form under the two of them and envelop the room around them in a bright blue light

"Looks like we're going..." Ryo thought to himself as he looked up in thought. He truly didn't know what would happen in the next few hours, and if what Vali and Ophis said were true...

"Wait, Bikou had told him earlier the team was going out to fight some Gods in the north. So maybe they wouldn't show up...but even then that might only stop Vali...if Azazel doesn't take him himself..." He continued mentally as his gaze hardened in curiosity. On one hand knowing Vali and Ophis the attack could be something harmless, but knowing them it could be the opposite. Honestly, he should've asked them the full extent of their plans back when they brought it up to him.

But would this mean he was in their plans? He had so many questions that he knew for a fact he'd have to wait for, and even though the ghoul didn't fully understand it, it began to kill him on the inside as to the future.

"Hey Ryo. You okay?" Serafall asked him all of a sudden, looking up towards her roommate with a concerned expression on her face that snapped the red eyed male out of his train of thought

"Yeah I'm fine." Ryo responded in his normal tone of voice to avoid suspicion, closing his eyes once he saw the Satan nod her head and close her own eyes when she began to focus on her teleportation, believing he convinced the girl. However, he didn't as Serafall peered open a single eye to stare up at his slightly anticipated body in questioning.

However she decided to drop it for now, having no clue what could have her fellow "devil" break form his normally stoic body structure into something more...awaiting. It could be something about the meeting, it could be an anime episode he was thrilled to see later, she couldn't tell. Regardless though she made a mental note to question him on it later, her mind stirring up into a lake of unease.

At Kuoh Academy:

"Ah! That surely took longer than I thought, but we made it anyways! Pretty early too!" Serafall said with her usual smile, bouncing about as she looked around the outside of the school. The ghoul next to her however merely exhaled a bit, looking up at the evening sky above as he extended his senses for anything...weird.

"Looks like there's a barrier around here. Probably put up by Sirzechs from the looks of it." Ryo commented as he put his hands in his pockets, looking down towards the black haired devil in front of him who looked back at him rather seriously

"By the way Ryo...there's someone named Gabriel coming to this meeting. Whatever you do, don't go near her." Serafall tells him, getting the ghoul to blink a bit

"Does she mean the Archangel...?" He thought to himself in some confusion as he looked around the school, his kakugan activating in the process to get a better read on who could be around

"It seems though that only about three other signatures; two devils, another a Fallen Angel. Wait...Isn't that V-"


Both Ryo and Serafall's eyes widened at the sudden voice, feeling powers that surpassed both of theirs in the form of two differing people right above them; Serafall immediately knew who it was, having saw him before interact with Sirzechs before and having the prior knowledge of his attendance to the summit meeting, whilst Ryo didn't and was immensely confused at the energy he was sensing. The surprise made them both look up to see two people radiating immense divine energy sitting, or in one case standing, on a dark grey cloud above the two of them before it evaporated into the air and dropped them both to the ground. The sole ghoul there blinked, staring at the two in confusion behind his usual blank face whilst the self-proclaimed magical girl a bit behind him stared at the two in shock.

"Susanoo and Amaterasu..." Serafall muttered out, the former grinning at the Satan with the latter smiling at the two

"You sound shocked Leviathan. Didn't Zechs tell you we'd be joining you all?" The Storm God asked the former Sitri, who jumped a bit from the question

"O-Oh he did, it's just a shock seeing you around here is all." She would respond with, elicting another laugh from the God as his sibling put a hand up to her mouth in amusem*nt

"Well that's pretty sad! I'm sure you would've gotten used to us by now. Oh well..." The blue haired male said as his fellow divine being next to him walked up to the Satan, putting her hands in her own and holding them up

"It's nice to see you again Serafall. Sorry if our intrusion in this summit is sudden; we're merely here to make sure things go well." Amaterasu informed the devil, who sighed a bit

"Yeah I understand..." Serafall said, her eyes looking down into the Goddess' own as they became more and more serious

"After all we can't have any bias here, as you all are a bit too forgiving. We won't intercept any decisions you'll make unless its something that threatens Japan and the surrounding nations. Although...If you want some advice you could always give this land to someone more...responsible, since its seems to be a hotspot for some of the more recent events in the human world." The black haired Goddess told the Satan, who gazed back at her equally serious

"Trust me when I say we're working on it. But don't worry, Rias and Sona will be the perfect leaders for Kuoh here. Have my word." Serafall answered, the two engaging in a sort of staring contest before Amaterasu eventually broke eye and physical contact with the Leviathan

"If you say so. Just don't regret it if future events prove otherwise." She told the twin tailed devil, who let some of her aura leak at the wording

"You make it sound like you're going to cause an attack." Serafall began, only to stop when the Goddess' turned her back towards her and began to make her way over to her brother, who was in a rather one sided conversation with Ryo

"I wouldn't dare. It's just a warning for the future. I have no intention of starting a war over something like this; just be careful." Amaterasu answered, leaving Serafall by her lonesome as she stared over towards the ghoul and Shinto God who was strangely further away from where the two were

"So when you eat people, like how does it taste? I mean it's gotta be pretty weird, right?' Susanoo asked the ghoul, who's arms were crossed as his red eyes peered into the God's own blue ones

"At first it's weird, as us ghouls can't really season our meat and stuff, or at least not too much. So combining that with coffee just makes our food options bland, but you get used to it after a while. You see, the key is to eat the body after you kill it but also remove certain...parts." Ryo answered, the male next to him nodding

"I see, sounds boring." He remarked as the white-red head nodded a bit

"Yeah it is..." The sword wielder replied, an awkward silence forming between the two afterwards

"So you're the ghoul everyone's been hearing about lately? You sure aren't too bad too look at, pretty strong too; though it seems as though your weakened. Why is that?" Amaterasu asked all of a sudden, now next to the ghoul who looked down at her in some surprise, not even sensing her presence near him as said Goddess' brother merely stared down at her with hands on his hips

"Huh, I was wondering that myself." Susanoo commented, both Shinto Gods looking at the red eyed male for an answer who closed his eyes

"Well there was a big fight I was involved with and that injured me a ton, then I fought Kokabiel and only managed to weaken myself a bit more. Essentially a bunch of bad decisions and now I'm as weak as a Maou-Class fighter." Ryo would tell the two, the male God next to him sweat dropping a bit

"He says that like he's weak as hell..." He thought to himself, slowly grinning to himself as his sister nodded in understanding

"I see; in those battles, did you also happen to use the Kusanagi no Tsurugi as well?" Amaterasu would ask the ghoul, who opened his eyes and looked at her

"You know about that?" He would ask, the Sun God giving a small giggle to herself with a hand over her mouth at the question

"Of course, I would know of the energy the sword by dear brother gave to me after all. And you seem to have a ton of it on your person." She would respond with, getting the ghoul to nod in understanding

"That makes sense. Would you like to see it?"

"Oh, that would be nice. thank you."

"Yeah...That decides it..." Susanoo began, placing a hand on the sword wielder's shoulder and beginning to grip it. His sister and the ghoul he was on looked at him slightly confused, but his intentions were made perfectly clear when a blue aura began to spark and flow off of his body and exude into the sky.

"Me and you ghoul, we're going to fight here and now!" He shouted, aura now rocketing off his body and creating high winds that forced both Maou Class devils near him to bring up and an arm to block the heavy impact of the winds; all the while Amaterasu stood there, hands together without so much as a flinch as felt her brother's explosion of excitement, merely sighing at it.

"If they fight...I'm not sure this town would survive." The black haired female thought to herself, the ghoul next to her in thought as he eyed the God that was gripping his shoulder

On one hand if they fought right now there was no doubt in the blade user's mind that the fight would be one of epic proportion, one that might even last past the summit meeting and have a great chance to destroy everything around them. On the other hand...he didn't know if he should save his magic and stamina for a potential big attack later, as well as the question of just how much would get destroyed before they get stopped or sent somewhere else. This doesn't even mention the fact he could very well lose this match-

Maybe a little wouldn't hurt after all.

"I'm game." Ryo would reply with as he let off his own aura, the purple hue beginning to leak off his body until it began to fully blow erupt off it, although not to the extent of Susanoo. Said Storm God's grin just widened on his face, already planning of ways to start off the first attack as his sister smiled a bit in some anticipation and caution; meanwhile Serafall was heavily concerned for the upcoming match, already envisioning the very destruction of Kuoh just from the magic being released into the air.

"Dammit, guess I'll have to step in." The blue eyed devil thought to herself as the wind picked up and began to affect the clothing on the supernatural being's bodies; it made the Satan close an eye from the high speed breezes, but she merely ignored it as a noticeable cold air begin to exit from her mouth with a blue aura escaping off of her.

"Oh my, it looks like we've come at a bad time." A voice says from the side, getting everyone to stop what they were doing and look directly towards the direction of the sound

To some surprise there was more than one person there, it being a total of three people including one male and two females. The sole male of the group was pretty tall with long blonde hair accompanying him on top of green eyes, a warm smile and look on his face as he eyed the small group, though it did have a solemn appearance to them in a way; he wore a red robe with a golden cross sitting in the center, along with golden shoulder pads that looked like armour with a white slash going down both of them. The woman next to him looked similar to him somewhat, though her eyes were more happy; she had on a white robe with a cross similar to the man on her torso as well, on top of white harm bands that covered her entire arm minus her fingers. Finally, the last girl was a noticeably younger person than the other two, with a different appearance as well if her win tailed wrapped chestnut hair and violet eyes indicated anything; on top of this she wore a tight fitting black battle suit that revealed her shoulders and some of her thighs, though you couldn't really see this because of the white cloak she had on her body. If that wasn't different enough, she also didn't have the angelic wings that sprouted from the former two's back or the halo levitating above their heads.

You see, these three were none other than the Seraphs Michael and Gabriel, as well as the former Holy Sword user Irina standing next to him in a way both formal yet familiar. They had just arrived onto the scene, evident by the golden magic circle under them that began to fade away, and they already got mixed reactions from everyone present.

"Gabriel..." Serafall growled out with a glare on her face and a look of scorn, said woman just smiling back at her innocently

"Gabriel! Michael!" Susanoo exclaimed happily, getting waves from both as his sister just gave a small wave back

"Irina?" Ryo questioned mentally, looking towards the Exorcist who noticed his stare and turned her head away from him. If he had to be honest, he had no idea why she was with them, but didn't ponder on it much as he set one gaze upon the Angels and turned his head away in what appeared to be some discomfort.

"The f*ck? What's this feeling in my chest...?" The ghoul questioned before feeling a tap on his chest, looking down to see none other than Gabriel in front of him with her usual smile on her face and eyes full of excitement and curisoity

"You must be Ryo right? Nice to meet you, I'm the Seraph Gabriel. Nice to meet you!" The Angel said, the red eyed male in front of her feeling his face begin to heat up a bit as he stared down at her

"Same here..." He replied with, quickly scanning around the field to see what everyone was doing. Michael and the Shinto Gods seemed to be locked in a conversation with Irina watching silently and intently, Serafall looking at Gabriel with a hair shadowing her eyes and a shocked look on her face, jaw dropped and blue lines running down her face as well. This was one time he would like her help, this was too weird! It only got weirder when the Seraph clasped their hands together and pulled them up to their chests.

"You know, devils and especially ghouls have caused us Angels quite a fair share of trouble. But I don't harbour any hatred towards your kind if your wondering, I can tell you're a good person at heart. I hope we can see each other a lot in the upcoming future!" The blonde said as she smiled, eyes closed with a golden background behind her

"Are you free this week? Maybe we could go out and talk about ourselves since I don't think they'll be much time for that today sadly. We could invite our friends if you want." She continued on as the ghoul's face just began to blush a bit more as he stood unmoving

"Hold it there. Don't you think you're getting a bit too chummy with Ryo, Gabriel?" Serafall would ask suddenly behind the Angel, her hand gripped the green eyed woman's shoulder tightly as he looked at her with a look of anger. However it seemed as if the Seraph was completely oblivious to this, as she just looked back at her with a pure as f*ck smile.

"Oh hello Serafall. Would you like to join us too? We could make it a date if you would like." She would ask and got an eye twitch from the Satan

"Every word you just said makes me violently angry." She responded with, only to get a hug from the Angel

"Cheer up Serafall. If you go into the meeting sad then you're not going to be your usual self, which helps brighten the mood of any room you're on. Come on, lets get along." Gabriel said as she placed her hands on the devil's shoulders, pulling back with a closed eyed smile and a golden background behind her

"Lets do our best!" The Angel would say happily, only angering the Satan in front of her more

All while those two were in their own little world Ryo would begin to finally calm down, deciding to step away from the two to question what was wrong with him. He would have to ask Issei later, but for now he pushed it to the back of his mind for thought later. He would get broken out of the thought anyways once he found his shoulder get tugged on, the white-red haired male looking down to see, surprisingly, Irina standing there performing the action looking up at him rather serious yet concerned look on her face.

"Do you mind if we speak for a minute?" The blade user asked him, getting him look over towards everyone for a second before looking back down at her

"Sure thing." Replied Ryo, getting the chestnut haired girl to nod before beginning to walk away unnoticed from the rest of the group, the ghoul following her until they were just a bit out of range from everyone, or at least enough so that they couldn't really hear them


"You remember who I am right?" Irina would ask the ghoul, who crossed his arms and eyed her up and down with his usual bored look and monotone

"Yeah, you're that one Exorcist with the nice ass right? Irina if I'm right." Ryo would answer, the girl in front of him blushing a bit at the comment as her face gains a shocked look

"Wh-What?! Why was that the one thing you took away from our meetings?!" She exclaimed as her posture seemed to straighten up even more, the red eyed "devil" in front of her merely rolling his eyes a bit

"Tch, well it was hard not to notice. Each time I seen you you were either fighting or working out, and that tight ass suit you got on didn't help your case either. Besides, seeing you naked once helps my observation." He replied, Irina only letting out stutters as she tried to think of a comeback

"W-W-Well I also saw you-wait this isn't the time for this..." Irina said, looking away from the person in front of her and clearing her throat into her fist to get off the topic of her rear, a blush still present on her face as the ghoul in front of her just stood there awaiting a response

"How's Xenovia?" The Exorcist asked, looking back towards the male in front of her with a serious yet solemn look in her eyes. It would be then Ryo understood why she asked the question and, if his suspicions were correct, something might've happened to her too.

"So that's what this is about..." He thought, letting out a small exhale before directly at his fellow blade wielder

"She's fine. She's actually her new life if anything, making a lot of new friends and doesn't seem to be discouraged or anything. Though...I don't know if I should say this, but-"

"That's fine, thank you. Its...Great to see she's alright." She would interrupt, looking down with a smile on her face that was riddled with sadness and regret, but she hid it well as she looked back up with closed eyes and a smile, though her former expression didn't go unnoticed by the ghoul

"Well thank you, sorry for bothering you with that. I'll be off then." She continued, already beginning to walk past the ghoul...

...If he hadn't gripped her wrist his hand as soon as she walked by him.

"You know don't you?" Ryo would ask, not even turning to face the chestnut haired girl, who gained a slightly cautioned look on her face

"How did you...?"

"It was a hunch; either that or you missed Xenovia. Thanks for confirming it."


It was silent between the two for a while, neither speaking up to voice the many-or few in the "devil's" case- thoughts, the two of them seemingly not even paying attention to the conversations or rants between the leaders behind them. However, after a while Ryo would let go of his fellow blade wielder's wrist and place his hands in his pockets, closing his eyes and walking pass a silent and still Irina.

"She doesn't harbor any negative feelings towards you, you know. Just talk to her and get it over with." The red eyed male told her before walking over towards a silently fuming Serafall and oblivious yet confused Gabriel and stopping midway

"Also you seem to be radiating some holy energy. Its small but there. You're becoming an Angel I see; good for you." He said, turning his head back to look at her in a bored manner before walking back towards his roommate and her rival, leaving Irina alone in her thoughts with surprise etched on her face

"Hmm, did I say something wrong Serafall?"

"Very much so..."

"If you don't like the idea of us three going out I can go with him myself, then none of us would interrupt the other."

"That's it-EEP!" Serafall cried out suddenly, a red blush coming to her face as she gained a shocked look once the super devil waking towards her picked her up and lifted her onto his shoulder; her face was now facing the direction his back stood forward, her waist being gripped by a single arm from the ghoul who looked down at the Seraph, though he tried avoiding eye contact for the most part.

"Sorry about that, but shouldn't we get a move on?" He told her, even raising his voice to make sure everyone else heard him, who stopped their conversations with Serafall even raising her arm up to look at a watch she somehow placed on her

"Oh you're right, we got ten minutes! Onward Ryo!" The Satan exclaimed, determined mile on her face and pointing towards the tool as if they were about to go on an adventure, the ghoul she was on bare resisting an eyeroll as he began making his way inside of the school, Gabriel following looking pretty happy

"Huh, guess it's time then." Amaterasu commented, watching the three head inside with Irina slowly following. However, the Goddess looked back towards the Angel's Faction leader with a serious look on her face.

"Remember what I said." She said ominously as she walked inside as well, Michael sighing and Susanoo laughing

"She's really taking this hard isn't she?" The Angel said, only get his head rubbed by the Storm God next to him

"Eh, don't worry about it. This is a pretty important meeting after all." He said, waving his hand up as he followed his sibling. "But she's right, if anything happens make sure to defend yourself with killing intent, especially with your rivals. You Angels can be so soft sometimes."

"I understand...But that goes against fully wanting peace..." Michale thought to himself as he followed after

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Serafall hugging a solemn looking chibi Ryo whilst glaring at a ice cream eating chibi Gabriel:

We would cut to the group walking towards the room in which the summit meeting was going to take place, with Ryo leading the group as he actually goes to the school and knows the best way to get to the area; although he did have to be somewhat guided by a still carried Serafall, as she was the was who told him where the room was in the first place. As such they walked at a decently modest pace, the group for the most part silent outside of some small conversations between the members behind the two devils.

"And that was how me, Uriel, and Raphael took on that army." Gabriel would tell the Storm God next to her, who let out a loud bellow of laughter that damn near filled the halls of the school, causing Irina to flinch a bit whilst everyone else wasn't really bothered

"Damn! Wish I could've been there to see that!" Susanoo remarked, the blonde Angel next to him giggling a bit into her hand

"If you like, I would be happy to spar with you, since you like fighting and all. You going to be free after this meeting?" She would ask him, getting the God's eyes to sparkle in delight as Ryo flinched a bit and looked back in interest at the prospect of the fight. However he would turn back slowly when Serafall noticed and pouted, hitting on his back with weak hits.

"You know, for such important Faction leaders they don't too serious about the summit." Irina thought to herself, walking a bit further behind than everyone else present and taking glances at everyone

"I wonder what Amaterasu and Sir Michael are thinking. It has to be important enough for them to be so quiet and entranced in thought." She would continue, looking at the Angel Leader's unreadable expression and Amaterasu having a finger to her chin

"I wonder how Dulio is doing."

"One of those blue fruity drinks sound pretty good right about now..."

Well...She wasn't completely wrong.

It wouldn't be long before the group made it to the room they were assigned to, the group putting on their more serious looks-minus Susanoo and Ryo, one of which had a smirk plastered on his face and the other a bored look-as Serafall managed to smuggle herself out of the ghoul's grasp and back onto her feet. Exhaling her to herself in anticipation, the ice user would open the door to reveal a wide and large room that had a long, fancy looking table in the middle with various chairs around it, presumably for each Faction Leader; there were large blinds on the walls directly in front of the incoming group, each possibly giving a great view of the world outside the school and the campus had the windows not been covered, the decor only being highlighted by the unblemished walls of the room that were painted a nice blue as well as a red rug under the table.

It looked to be the ideal place for an important summit, and it looked like all the main players were around already. Sirzechs sat at the end towards the left with Azazel, equipped in a maroon coat and grey pants, across from him and none other than Vali behind the Fallen Angel, arms crossed and eyes shut with an unreadable smirk on his face. Alongside them though was, surprisingly, Sona and her queen Tsubaki behind Sirzechs looking rather serious themselves...

...Well, until the king saw her elder sibling stare right at her with an ever growing smile on her face.

"Sister, no." She warned, taking a cautionary step back as said sister looked ready to pounce directly on her

"Sister, yes!" Serafall exclaimed happily before jumping right towards the violet eyed female with her arms extended for a hug. Said girl looked on in horror as her queen stepped back, effectively leaving her leader to her fate as the Leviathan enveloped the student council president in a tight embrace.



Everyone watching either sweat dropped, smirked, giggled, or looked on blankly.

"Still a sis con, huh?" Susanoo commented, threatening to break out into laughter as his own sister merely shook her head between a combination of amusem*nt and annoyance

"I think it's kind of cute." Gabriel said with a smile and giggle. Meanwhile as this transpired Ryo would walk away from the group and past Azazel, who he neglected to notice gave him a glance, and stood right next to Vali. The ghoul would place his arms together to cross them, his red eyes looking directly at the Longinus user next to him as said fighter just opened his eyes and glanced over towards him.

"Oh there you are. I was wondering when you would get here." The white haired male said, getting the ghoul to roll his eyes a bit

"You knew I would be here. But cut to the chase, what are you planning?"

"What? I can't just hang around? Azazel did invite me after all."

"That's because you're basically his son. You know damn well he'd take Shemehaza here with him, or just come by himself if that wasn't the case or if you rejected."

"Well, I can't say you're wrong." Vali responded with as it became silent between the two, smirk widening as his teammate stared at him with a deadpan

"You and Ophis going to attack or what? My anticipation is killing me." Ryo told him mentally, using telepathy for what he swore to be the only 5th time in his life. Truth be told, he didn't like the skill, it just never sat well with him for some reason.

"Could've fooled me." The devil replied with in amusem*nt. "So what's with the telepathy? Afraid we'll get caught?"

"I'd rather we not, and besides if they hear of an attack at this current point in time who knows what will happen. Being this weak if a blessing, but I can't exactly defend myself against most of this room; especially those Shinto Gods and Sirzechs." Ryo responded, his friend waving his hand up which would've confused anyone watching at the sudden movement from the silent and smirking male

"Fine, fine. If you must know it's just something to get me to fight the Red Dragon Emperor, Hyoudou Issei if I remember correctly. Ophis is coming just to make sure no one interfere's, nothing else." Vali answered, the white-red haired male next to him looking towards him slightly unconvinced

"There's more to that, isn't there?" He questioned, getting the blue eyed devil to chuckle

"Maybe there is, maybe there's not. You'll just have to put your faith in me." He would reply with, getting the ghoul to click his tongue a bit as he leaned back against the wall to watch Serafall getting pulled off of Sona with the efforts of Amaterasu

"Oh, you have no idea what's coming. Just don't hate me for this." Vali thought to himself once he was sure the mental link had ended, unbeknownst to them a certain Fallen Angel looking back at them

"Looks like something big is happening, if their little talk before going into each other's mind's indicated something. I wonder what it could be." Azazel though to himself as he leaned back in his chair relaxed, not at all bothered by what was said

Timeskip 30 minutes to Issei, brought to you by chibi Vali and Ophis scheming:

"Buchou, are you sure we're on time? I feel like this was supposed to start a bit earlier." Issei voiced out, the red head's Peerage minus both Gasper and Koneko present as they walked through the halls to the room in which the summit would be held. The two were back in the ORC clubhouse, keeping watch over it as the summit progressed, as well as partially because Gasper wasn't used to being around to so many people at once, especially powerful ones.

Issei personally thought he should come anyways, but Rias' orders were absolute for the most part so he didn't outwardly voice this; though, his face when the statement came out indicated his thoughts.

But this would lead to other problems, as along with this the Peerage had spent the past half an hour planning on what exactly to say at the meeting, as well as just prepping themselves for the eventual meeting. Once that was out of the way they would head out to the school that was oddly silent, as if it was waiting for something. Issei, alongside Akeno who kept it more to herself, felt as if something was wrong and eventually began to think something that wasn't completely out of the realm of possibilities...

"I'm just saying...I just got a feeling." Issei told the princess, who hummed pretty nonchalantly as she walked through the halls towards the room that the meeting was meant to be located in

"I must agree with Issei here, Rias. Something most certainly is off here." Akeno said, getting a rapid nod from the Longinus user who was answered with a small sigh from her friend

"Its no worry guys, we're for sure on time. After all the note said so." Rias said with a smile, pulling out a note from a...pocket they guessed before showing it to her Peerage behind her...

Issei nearly facepalmed.

"That's his..." The brown haired male thought to himself as he eyed the note, Akeno nearly chuckling to herself as even Xenovia resisted the urge to roll her eyes, the others clueless. Makes sense though, they never saw Ryo's handwriting, hell the three only seen it on random occasions.

One from homework.

The second from them writing their will and last testament in regards to having too much sex.

And the third from actually catching him in the act briefly.

...You can guess who is who.

"Looks like we're here. Everyone, make sure you're ready." Rias said suddenly, stopping in front of a rather large door for the school that resulted in her Peerage following suite in their seize of movement. Taking in a breath, she would open the door to the room...

...Only to watch the leaders plus weirdly enough Ryo and Tsubaki playing a card game.

"Michael, draw eight cards." Sirzechs said with a smirk, placing down a draw four after having just defended himself from an attack by Serafall. Jokes on her, he had 3 "Draw 4's" in his hand!

"Oh come on..." The Archangel said sadly despite the smile on his face, picking up the cards. It got his sister to place a hand on his shoulder in comfort as he she played a "Red 2" down after the Super Devil changed the color, said male looking at his pretty Godlike hand happily.

"This hand is so sh*t..." Susanoo grumbled to himself as he picked up almost 10 cards before finding a red...only to change the color as he didn't even get the color but instead the change card text.


Amaterasu changed the color to blue a second later.


"Hey Ryo. If you got a reversal I can make Serafall draw four." Azazel offered, looking at the giddy Maou damn near bouncing in her seat as she held only a singular card in her hand. He knew Sirzechs had a draw four, and if things were reversed then he could pay the card and the game wouldn't be over!

Hope was quickly lost when Ryo played a "Blue 4", not even paying attention to the Fallen Angel leader and getting him to frown.

"Good luck Tsubaki." The ghoul said as he leaned back in his chair, having absolutely nothing to do to stop the twin haired woman with. Said glasses wearing girl meanwhile looked at her own hand, placing down. "Draw 2" in hopes of avoiding a loss.

"I win!" Serafall exclaimed happily as she placed down her own green "Draw 2" and ended the game, jumping from her seat and proceeding to do a small victory dance much to mostly everyone's amusem*nt...minus Sona, who covered her face with her hair and glanced away with a blush on her face from embarrassment.

"Good job Serafall! Great game!"! Gabriel cheered happily with a cute little clap, getting the devil to stop her dance and turn towards the Angel with a growl

"Sorry to interrupt, but it looks like our guests have arrived." Vali called out, silently glad that this wasteful game has finally ended and they could get onto what really mattered. Said group stared in surprise at seeing the game, only to be snapped back to reality when the white haired male spoke, getting all of their attention.

"It's him!" Issei mentally shouted, Ddraig actually waking up from his slumber and opening an eye with a small growl; he also took note of Azazel sitting down, said leader looking back at him with a smirk that not only surprised the dragon boy, but put him on edge. He wasn't the only one shocked, as Xenovia had finally noticed none other than her ex partner Irina standing behind the Archangel's, said Exorcist looking at her before looking away rather quickly.

"Irina..." The Holy Sword user thought to herself in surprise. She was thankful she had a keen poker face, or else she'd have the saddest face in the room right about now.

"Look who decided to get here. Took you long enough tomato, the summit began 30 minutes ago." Ryo said as he went back to his spot next to Vali, hands in his pockets as he saw the red head grow increasingly shocked

"Wait what, how?! The meeting said the summit was at this time!" Rias said in clear shock, her brother just shrugging

"I guess whoever gave you the note messed up the time, but that's in the past. If you could make your way to your spots please." Sirzechs said as everyone got into their positions, a more serious yet somewhat aloof air filling the room as the young devil's Peerage did just that

"How did..." Rias mumbled to herself quietly, in so much confusion as to how she got the wrong time. All the while, no one but Vali noticed a certain ghoul smirk at this, which made the blue eyed male roll his eyes at the child like prank.

"Umm president, who are those two over there?" Asia asked suddenly, gesturing over towards both of the Shinto Gods that just stood by the doors silent, one amused and the other serious. The Peerage had just made their ways next to Sona and Tsubaki, who stood a ways behind Sirzechs and a few feet in front of the wall behind them, which gave them all a good viewpoint of the room.

"I was wondering that too..." Issei said as he eyed the two. Taking a glance as Susanoo he could immediately tell he had the feel of a bloodthirsty shark that just took a glimpse of its next meal, while with Amaterasu it was something of the Sun shining brightly down upon everything to have it in place and under control...

He had also noted her rather impressive bust size, but didn't ponder on it much or even let it show as he for some reason felt his torso would unattached itself from the rest of his body in a second if he did.

"Those are the Shinto Gods and faction leaders Susanoo no Mikoto and Amaterasu Omikami. In other words, some of the only being in the world who can rival your brother, Rias." Sona would tell her completely and utterly shocking her fellow king alongside her entire peerage minus Asia, who wasn't too familiar with them

"Wait, those two are Susanoo and Amaterasu?!" Issei got out, his voice barely above a whisper as the violet eyed girl next to his master nodded

"Yes. trust me when I say I was shocked to hear of their arrival as well." The Sitri heiress told him truthfully. Right after getting her sibling off of her and saving herself from going unconscious, she nearly went into the darkness immediately after being told by each God themselves who they were. She was, for once, glad her sister was around to help her...

Even if the means was by summoning a small ball of water and throwing it in her face to wake her up quickly...so cold...

"B-But what are they doing here?! Of all the places..." Rias managed out as she stared at them unbeknownst to herself, only stopping when she was the blue haired God by the door wave at her a bit

"Its seems like they are here to make sure the summit goes smoothly and nothing...unnerving happens." Sona would answer

"O-Oh..." Rias replied, still in surprise before flinching a bit when her brother waved out a hand casually

"For those who don't know, this is my little sister Rias and her group of retainers. They were the one's who had helped defeat Kokabiel; and the blue haired girl and brown haired boy, alongside Ryo back there were the ones who directly killed him after what I learned to be a...problem during the battle." Sirzechs told everyone, getting everyone present to eye the three in question in a sort of gratefulness, amusem*nt, or even respect

"That is a rather impressive feat. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work." Michael would tell them, Gabriel humming in agreement

"Once again, I would like to apologise. It seems like one of my boys have caused you all trouble once again." Azazel said in a manner that seemed sort of condescending, which most people who haven't spent more than an hour talking to him personally would believe

"What's up with that dick?" Issei thought to himself as a glare began to form in his eyes as well as beginning to open his mouth to speak, only to stop once he managed to catch a glimpse of Ryo staring at him with a look at that "not a good idea." Begrudgingly, the Longinus user would stop himself as he just looked away from the leader, who resisted to smirk at the act as he knew full well what was going to happen.

"Well it looks like everyone is represented here. So how about we get this summit started?" Sirzechs said with his usual smile on his face, Rias and Sona stepping up as they knew exactly what to do

"Rias, Sona. Would you two mind telling us all what happened in the battle with Kokabiel?" The Devil King asked the two, who bowed slightly at the request with complete formality

"It would be our please, Lord Lucifer." Sona would answer as the two stood up straight, the black haired female looking over to her friend who nodded. After all she was a main fighter in the battle, so she would have the speak more than someone holding the barrier, even if it gave her a great supply of evidence or anything extra that happened.

"One week ago today Kokabiel had allied himself with the former priest's Freed Selzen and Valper Galilel in order to steal the extremely dangerous shards of Excalibur in order to form rebirth it and destroy the city of Kuoh in order to cause a new Great War. It seemed he had planned to use the sword to not only destroy the town, but to get rid of both me and Sona in order to spiral our siblings out of control in an effort for them to shift the blame to the Fallen Angels and potentially start a war from that, if his actions and words indicated anything." Rias began, both Sirzechs and Serafall releasing a single bead of sweat at the potential "what if" as they held back their rage at what could've happened to their little siblings

Kokabiel was so lucky he wasn't caught by devil forces, so very lucky.

"However we would obtain help in form of two Exorcists that go by the names of Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shirou. Both of whom came to Kuoh alongside a late priest in order to stop Kokabiel from not only obtaining all the Holy Sword fragments, but also stop him from succeeding in an unknown yet malicious goal of his, even if it cost them their lives. With the help my my pawn Issei, my knight Kiba, my rook Koneko, Sona's pawn Saji, and sn-I mean Ryo, they would manage to negotiate with the two in order to help bring down Kokabiel and his allies."

"We all would encounter them here at Kuoh Academy, each of us doing battle while Sona and her Peerage helped place a barrier around the school in order to make sure no innocents got involved, nor allow the fight to seep into the outside world. It was long and hard, and after Kokabiel got a sort of...power up and nearly incapacitated us all; Ryo, Issei, and Xenovia would teleport themselves as well as Kokabiel to another area in order to fight him without harming us all in the ensuing battle. If anyone is having doubts on their allegiance by any chance, the three were gravely injured with injuries that rendered them limp and barely able to move; with Xenovia having a terrible hole through her chest and my own pawn an inch away from death."

"With that in mind our battle with Kokabiel would end. Us devils would give over the Holy Sword shards over to the Exorcists for the Church, then we would be on our way until we learned of this summit." Rias concluded, closing her eyes and letting out an exhale as she felt the weight of everyone present staring at her, as if waiting for some form of slip up

"Looks like she didn't all the credit." Ryo thought to himself as he watched the red head open her eyes with a face of pure neutrality, her fellow king nodding a bit as she looked straight forward to face everyone in the room

"As a witness, I Sona Sitri can confirm the reports of Lady Gremory." The glasses wearer said, Sirzechs nodded in approval as he stared at the ghoul across the room

"Well Ryo, anything to add?" He would ask, getting the red eyed male to widen his eyes slightly at the sudden question; the surprise would end as quickly as it came however, as the ghoul would regain his blank look as he eyed the room.

"I have nothing to add. She said everything that needed to be said, so I guess I can confirm the t-Rias' report." Ryo would answer in his normal monotone, making most of the room smile at the added confirmation

"Thank you, that will be all." Sirzechs told the three, two of which who nodded in response and walked back to their respective spots next to their Peerage mates

"Good job guys. Good job Sona." Serafall whispered, whether it be for the report other contribution for the battle unknown. However it did accomplish the job of flustering Sona, who attempted to look away from her; if she didn't though, she might've not missed the Satan look towards the ghoul leaning against the wall and give him a wink of approval, said person clicking his tongue silently at the act. This act only came to the attention of Amaterasu and Vali, who decided to stay silent about it but kept in the back of their minds.

"Perhaps the governor of the Fallen Angels would care to share his opinions on the report?" Sirzechs would question, Azazel releasing an amused grunt as his ever present smirk widened a bit

"Kokabiel went rouge, so my thoughts on the situation aren't relevant here." He would reply, getting the Lucifer holder to narrow his eyes slightly at the answer in some suspicion

"So he acted on his own?" He would question

"Well he never had any permission if that's what you're asking. But I know the damned fool wouldn't have destroyed this town had he known I was residing here. I've grown quite fond of this place after all-"

"Please to try to stay on topic." Amaterasu of all people would tell him, giving him a light glare from her side of the room that caused the male to look back at her amused

"Of course, just wanted to give my thoughts on this town and all. But if you all must know I had planned to send the White Dragon Emperor here to deal with Kokabiel as a sign of good faith to show us Fallen Angels did not agree with what Kokabiel was attempting to accomplish; although it seems like the little group over here didn't need our help. They even managed to end the war monger's life while we simply planned to have him taken alive and imprisoned. Look like he won't be able to bother anyone ever again, though I must admit its a great loss to our faction even if it was him." Azazel remarked nonchalantly as many in the room took the time to look towards Vali once he was regarded as the "White Dragon Emperor". While many could tell just by feeling his aura, it was still rather thought provoking if they had to say so; all while this happened though, Michael would have placed a hand to his chin in a thinking position.

"What I find most disturbing about this situation is the motivation behind it. It appears as if he was dissatisfied with the status quo..." The Seraph said as he eyed the table in front of him in thought

"The seeds of discontent..." Serafall said to no one in particular as she unknowingly gripped her dress, the many thoughts of what could have been from the fallen's actions leaving a bitter taste in her mouth

"Looks like he was battle crazy. Enough so to start a war over it." Susanoo commented off to the side, his sister and "rival" sweat dropping once they heard this

"Like you'd be one to talk..." They thought to themselves. While the Storm God would never start a war over something like this...he would still do some pretty wild things for a fight, if not challenge someone he absolutely had to reason challenging. One such instance with him spotting Great Red years ago came to mind...

"As much as I'm sure everyone would love to talk down on Kokabiel, we all must be certain that his type of behaviour isn't exclusive to just us Fallen Angels. If I recall, isn't there someone like Kokabiel on the Devil's Faction? Rize-"

"As Amaterasu had said, can we please focus on the matter at hand." Sirzechs interrupted, the governor stopping his talk; he didn't however notice Vali twitch at the mention of the devil and try to attempt to seize his rage, something only Ryo and Issei really picked up, with both Shinto Gods also managing to catch this.

"Do they have a connection?" Amaterasu questioned in her mind as she eyed the current White Dragon Emperor. On one hand both him and that damned spawn of Lucifer looked alike and weirdly enough had a similar aura to the other...hmm...she would have to look into this more in the future.

"Oh Sirzechs, would you mind sparing the words? Let us all speak whatever we can, after all we are here to make peace. So why don't we just get it over and done with? That's the point of this "grand" summit, isn't it?" The black haired man said, getting surprised gasps from the Peerages in the room and the red haired Satan to harden is gaze towards him

"Of course it is."

"You know, our three-way stalemate is getting pretty old."

"I would agree. All the more reason to make peace with one another."

"Now that is something I can agree with." Azazel said in something akin to understanding, leaning back in his chair and clasping his hands together

"On that note, if I may interrupt, I would like to bring up the aspect that both of our main war generals being annihilated. Both God and the Original Four Satans having all died int he war, alongside most of the major people that wanted to continue our pointless war." Gabriel would speak up for the first time, her eyes showing clear sadness at the memory of not only her father's death, but the many deaths that came from the war. It seemed she wasn't the only one affected by her statement, as Asia would flinch at the mention of God's death while Irina would gain a heavily sad look other face.

"Irina...I suppose she found out about truth by now..." Xenovia thought to herself, fighting the urge to go and comfort her friend. She'd have enough time to do so later, she was sure of it.

"We sure do have a...complication. Once again it isn't even our three main powers, but the two Dragon Emperor's and the ghoul present, beings who have the potential to be even more destructive. If you three don't mind, I would like to hear from them on their thoughts on the matters." Azazel would tell everyone. Vali, having now calmed himself, smirked a bit and waved out a hand casually as he closed his eyes in amusem*nt.

"What I want is to simply fight someone as strong as me." He answered, Azazel lazily turning his head back as if he already knew what the answer was, but was happy to hear it nonetheless if the chuckle he released after the answer indicated anything

"Buy you can still fight strong opponents without having a war." The governor replied, the white haired male sighing though not as if he had a problem with what was said

"Yeah, I guess so." He would continue as the Fallen Angel looked towards his rival, who flinched under his gaze as he knew what would be asked before he even heard it

"And you, Red Dragon Emperor? Your thoughts?" Azazel asked the Longinus user, who jumped up straight and rubbed the back of his head nervously

"I uhh...umm...wow. I'm not really good with coming up with this sort of stuff on the spot, sorry." Issei would answer with a sheepish chuckle towards the end

"I see...Well why don't we make things interesting? Try this. If you start fighting, you'll never be able to have your way with Rias Gremory." The leader said to the Longinus user, who blushed from he thought

Now, there were multiple other reactions to this simple statement, but I'll just list off a few that seemed the most important and or funny. Ahem...Rias gasped, Ryo smirked, Gabriel blinked, Susanoo damn near barked out a laugh, Akeno chuckled lightly, Sona had the blankest look on her face, and Ddraig...

...Well, he facepalmed from within Issei to the point he was sure an audible "slap!" echoed in his head.

"W-Wait just a minute! You can't-"

"Hey tomato, let's hear him out for a minute." Ryo cut off, clearly entertained by what he was hearing which got the princess to glare at him with something that promised death a thousand times over. Ha! If only she knew how much he cared.

"You...You mean like...b-baby making?! I can get my dirty dirty freak freak on with the president?!" Issei exclaimed lewdly, his face becoming slightly more akin to his infamous perverted one

"Of course! Imagine all those training sessions and practice every. Single. Day." Azazel continued on before closing his eyes with crossed arms

"However, if peace isn't acquired this won't be able to happen. What do you say?"He ended, Issei standing there thinking up many different possibilities in his brain as any and all thoughts of the summit left his brain. It was merely just sex with Rias at this point in various outfits, and styles, and positions, and-

{Partner, focus.} Ddraig would tell him mentally, a small scowl forming on his face as he watched the many different ideas pass through Issei's conscious. It truly was one of the worst trade offs of sharing a body and mind with someone...

"Oh sh*t! Sorry!" Issei cried out mentally as he fought down his blush, his face losing it's perversion and becoming a more embarrassed one as he he let out a chuckle

"Well if I had to say anything I'd choose peace...I will only ever use my powers to help my friends, Rias, Ryo, my family, and every I'm related to and more. That's just the way it is." The Longinus user said honestly, causing most of the room to smile at his answer as Azazel nodded, clearly satisfied before he looked back towards Ryo

"Well, what about you? You want peace, or war?" He asked the sword wielder, who stared at him blankly before looking up towards the ceiling

"Well with war there is fighting most definitely, potentially fun as hell fights that could make my wildest dreams come true in a way as the way I'm in now. And truth be told I don't really care for any Faction as a whole..." The ghoul began, many in the room beginning to dread his next few words

"Though I got people I like in them, so I guess I'll fight for them. Plus, peace gives me other things to do besides fighting I enjoy, and its not like I can't do that without peace being obtained. So I guess my answer's alligator with Issei and Vali's if anything." He ended, many breathing a sigh of relief at the answer as some even smiled gratefully

"Well at least everyone fully knows he won't betray us." Issei thought to himself. He didn't have any doubts himself, but it was glad that his friend managed to elaborate as he did, even if the first half came out weird.

...But it looked like there was still some doubt in the air.

"That doesn't sound fully sincere you know. Are you possibly hiding something?" Amaterasu would ask from the side, her gaze peering right the the ghoul's side before into his eyes once he looked at her. It wasn't just him, but everyone in the room would look over towards the Goddess in various levels of surprise, confusion, or some annoyance; hell, even Vali and Azazel looked rather put off by the question as they lost any look of entertainment they had, and even then it was mainly looks or boredom.

"What do you mean? I'm not hiding anything?" Ryo told her, doing his best to make sure his voice didn't come off as a lie; even with the usual monotone he somehow had a feeling she could detect something off with him, and while he didn't care if he got caught in the end he'd had rather not and watch what would happen.

"Really? Sorry to say but I don't fully believe you on that, if you're wording from earlier and the way you're unusually laid back indicates anything. Even my brother, Serafall, Azazel, and Gabriel aren't complete off edge about this meeting, but you acting as if this summit is no problem to you. Perhaps...You know of an attack and the reason for this not meaning much is because we might be dead in a few hours? By the looks of it you might be able to take half of this room, and maybe having friends outside to take care of the rest of us wouldn't cause too much worry, wouldn't it?" The Sun Goddess explained as her gaze turned into a glare

"...What the-how the hell did she get some of that correct?" The ghoul thought to himself. She really managed to uncover some of what he was hiding just from the way he spoke and acted...

He couldn't help but respect it, he could not lie.

"Silence? Got nothing to add? Then maybe with this I should just eliminate you here and now and prevent anything from happening in the future." She would tell him, a fiery aura beginning to leak off of her that put the entire room on edge; hell Sirzechs even shot from his seat to subdue her in case of an attack as her brother even rushed next to her to calm her down.

"Woah sis, calm down. Even if he is planning something wouldn't it be better to get information from him rather than just outright killing him?" Susanoo asked his sibling, who didn't even look towards him and kept her gaze on the red eyed male on the wall

"It would be better to eliminate the threat than to give them a chance to escape." Was Amaterasu's answer as the heat in the room began to pick up, almost suffocating had Serafall not secretly released some ice magic in the air to calm the place down a bit. "So, Ryo, what do you have to say to this?"


Ryo has done and seen many things in his life, stuff that helped him grow increasingly stronger as time goes on until he reached the heights of the strongest beings in his universe. In other words, the only beings that could even mildly pressure or intimidate him, and even then he didn't feel the effects. However at his current state, facing someone above him by a good margin that's radiating killing intent directly and solely towards him with the promise of a quick attack, the ghoul couldn't help but have a small bead of sweat go down his face in caution.

And he loved it.

Ryo didn't show it on the outside, no that was a perfect blank face if he said so himself, but on the inside he was almost as happy as a person getting an ice cream sundae after a long summer day. Him and this Sun Goddess fighting had the potential to destroy so much and be so enjoyable that he had to resist himself from just outwardly attacking and starting the fight in that instant! The caution, the bloodlust, the fear, oh how it all meshed together well within his body! He hadn't had a rush like this since he fought Ophis, and even then those battles couldn't compare to when they first had their epic battle on a somewhat equal ground. But right now, facing against an opponent so above himself radiating this energy, it nearly gave him goosebumps in anticipation!

Sure, Kokabiel was fun, especially after he got Ophis' snake, but he paled in comparison to the woman currently in front of him. The ghoul was half tempted to say the wrong thing just to get the fight started...but even he wasn't that stupid. On top of the battle interrupting a very important summit, there was an almost 100% guarantee that he would get stopped mid battle by one of the leaders; and that was assuming the battle is even launched and they aren't stopped before it began. These sole thoughts made the excitement in the ghoul die down until it eventual dispersed, and hopefully any aura he accidentally leaked, cause there was possibly no other reason Vali and Serafall were looking at him the way they were.

He'd have to ask Amaterasu to fight once this summit was over and done with. Both her and her brother are going to make some very...interesting fights.

"Does my silence scare you? Well sorry, I didn't exactly have time to prepare for everything thrown at me today. But to answer you're question I'm not hiding anything nor would I care to; after all I got some friends who wouldn't be happy if I suddenly turned on them, and I like them enough to not do that. Truth be told all the Factions bore me minus the leaders, and even then I only would consider a few from them my friends, and if something like a war starts I'll do whatever I feel like. However if someone I like asked me to fight for them I'm willing to fight, and I got no desire to cause unnecessary harm to any Faction." Ryo told the black haired Goddess, who's gaze hardened a bit more

"Does that answer your question? Should I get on my knees and beg you that I wouldn't do anything crazy as well?" He would add on, co*cking his head a bit to the side as some sweat dropped from the response, awaiting for what the Goddess would say to this...

To their surprise though, any killing intent would be released immediately as if nothing happened as the red eyed girl clasped her hands together, a bright and warm smile brought upon her face.

"Thank you, that's all I needed to hear." She would reply with, getting relieved exhales and smiles from he people in the room. Meanwhile Ryo stood there, blinking.

"...Don't tell me I blew my chance at a fight..." He thought to himself dryly, not even bothering to remark once he heard Vali silently chuckle from the absolute deadpan on his face

"Well that seemed to go well. Glad to see you on our side of the field, Ryo." Gabriel would compliment, the ghoul snapping out of his deadpan as he once more felt the warmness in his heart from the comment

"No problem..." He silently said, crossing his arms and looking at the floor

"Umm, if you don't mind me speaking up. You two are Angels, right?" Issei surprisingly began, catching everyone's attention as he turned a serious and questioning gaze towards both Michael and Gabriel, who looked surprised at the sudden question before returning to their usual smiles

"Yes we are. Sorry for not introducing ourselves earlier. My name is Michael, and this right here is my sister Gabriel, we're Archangel's or Seraphs if you prefer. We're the representatives of the Angel Faction." Michael would tell the dragon boy, who only had one thought on his mind...

"...Satan DAMN she's hot as hell! Look at the boobs!" He shouted mentally as he blushed outwardly, lewdly gazing and making his perverted face on the inside. He was even doing mental cartwheels as he looked upon Gabriel, who he was sure to be the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Now he loved and respect Rias...but he couldn't deny...

"Oh wait back on topic." He said to himself suddenly as he cleared his throat into his face, his serious gaze returning as he looked at the two Archangels

"Excuse my language, but I don't believe you were fair to Asia. I would like to know why she was kicked out of the Church, she loves God more than anyone here and she was kicked for something as small as healing someone who needed help." Issei would tell them, surprising a good portion of the room due to how bluntly he said it. Hell, Ryo even swore Issei bumped up a rank in his book from how much balls it took to say this...he respected it.

"Maybe this could help Xenovia too." The sword wielder thought to himself as he looked towards his blinking roommate, clearly in surprise at what was just said

"Issei, stop." Rias told him, placing a hand on his shoulder as Asia stood there behind the two of them, looking towards the ground with her hands clasped together, shaking a bit

"It's no problem. We'd be happy to answer you, as we too feel it was unfair." Gabriel spoke up, her eyes portraying a more solemn look than anyone had seen on her

"You see, after God was destroyed only the system remained. The only thing we had to keep the faith was our power to administrate divine protection, mercy, and miracles. Even we at the center of the Church along with the Seraphs and many other Angels, it's barely functioning as of now. Consequently, there was a need to avoid anything that negatively affected our system." Michael would continue on, getting Issei to widen his eyes in some sort of realization

"So you had to...After all, Asia could heal devils and Fallen Angels on top of humans." The Longinus user said, the leader nodding

"Indeed. The faith of believers is the reason those of us in Heaven exist; a threat to the system is a threat to our survival. Therefore anything that proved to be a threat had to be...removed." Michael finished sadly, Xenovia stepping up next to Issei

"Of course, that's why I suffered Asia's fate as well. Alongside others who knew the truth." She said both Angels nodding in response

"Exactly, it was unfair. We should've discovered another way. We humbly request for your forgiveness, even if you don't want to forgive us." Gabriel would tell them, the blue-green haired girl actually smiling at the siblings without any hint of anger whilst Irina gained a shock look on her face

"So she didn't betray us..." Irina thought to herself. While she always had the feeling that what happened to Xenovia wasn't her own fault, her former partner becoming a devil so suddenly without any hint of regret clouded her mind and resulted in the chestnut haired girl being angry with her former friend. However, spending time with the Angels and learning of God's death had made Irina see the error of her ways and she couldn't have felt more regret than she had when she came to the realisation her friend might've been innocent. So as she looked towards the ground in shame, she couldn't help but grip her white cloak in her hands tightly.

"Apology accepted, Chief Michael and Gabriel. It's interesting; as I grew up in the Church of course I would have a few regrets, but to be perfectly honest I'm satisfied with my life as a devil. I am sad though, for the other believers..." Xenovia told them as Asia, finding the courage, stepped up next to her friends with a smile of her own

"As am I, and I'm so much happier with my life as a devil. I've met people who truly care for me, and I cherish them." The healer added on, both Angels smiles brightening as a result

"You both have such forgiving souls, and I'm grateful for that." Michael said

"Did anyone else hear that sadly intense ass music?" Ryo questioned as he looked around the room, wondering if someone accidentally played some song and everyone ignored or didn't notice it, or he was hearing things...

...Well, if he stopped his head moving for a second he would've seen Serafall doing the exact same thing as him with the same question.

"Oh yeah, there's something else! I want an apology from you Azazel!" Issei exclaimed suddenly, said governor smirking at him

"For what?" He questioned, the sacred gear user stepping up a bit as he glared at the Fallen Angel with a look full of determination and hate

"For that Fallen Angel bitch Raynare killing Asia and trying to kill me! The only reason she did any of that was because she wanted to be like you asshole!" He shouted as some of his aura leaked wildly

"Issei!" Rias called out as she approached him...


Before she could reach him though the area would go blue and red, time having stopped and frozen everything and everyone in its path...well...minus the Faction Leaders, the Longinus users, the Holy Sword users, Irina, and Kiba.

"What in the Dio...?" Ryo thought to himself as both him and Vali leaned off the wall, the ghoul looking towards his friend's smirking face. "Ah, so that's what this is."

"What the hell?" Issei commented

"It appears time has stopped." Susanoo spoke up, not at all bothered as he leaned up and stretched. Standing in one spot for a long period of time could get tiring.

"An attack maybe..." Amaterasu theorised, a hand to her chin in a thinking position, biting the inside of her cheek lightly at the thought

"It looks like Susanoo is right, time has been frozen. More-so, it looks as if those with superior powers haven't been affected by this." Sirzechs spoke up as he stood up alongside the other Faction Leaders, opening up the blinds of the school to view the campus. What they saw was...shocking.

There were an endless amount of magicians on the outside on both the ground and in the sky with even more coming out of a enormous magic circle in the sky, all looking ready to attack whatever they see with immediately and deadly precision. Truth be told they were nothing but fodder, but everyone present knew for a fact there must be someone powerful or purely stupid planning this out, and they didn't know where. Well, one knew, but he'd rather not say~

"Looks like we have visitors." Gabriel commented

"Unreal..." Issei got out as he stared at the mages outside, flinching slightly once he saw Vali step next to him with his usual taunting-like smirk

"Our dragons protected us, you know? The Heavenly Bunch over there weren't affected for the same reason." The white haired male said as he jabbed a finger towards Xenovia, Kiba, and Irina, all of whom had their blades out and glowing in power

"Looks so..." Irina remarked to herself as he looked at her sword

"Who are they?" Issei would ask finally, Serafall looking at him with a pout and a hand on her hip, a other hand up with a snap

"Magicians, and they're so rude! I'm a magical girl and it looks like they're flat out ignoring me!" She said, blinking and releasing an exhale once he felt Ryo place a hand on her head in a comforting manner-

"Probably because they couldn't give a sh*t." He said without a hint of care, getting the Maou to puff out her chest and cross her arms under bust in some annoyance

"You're so mean."

"Anyone here know what this power could be?" Susanoo questioned as both he and Amaterasu walked up to the group, Sirzechs' gaining a serious feel around him as he gazed out the window in an almost bored like manner

"It's the half vampire boy. He must've somehow unleashed his Balance Breaker conditions." The red head told everyone, the sole remaining members of Rias' Peerage gasping in surprise and worry

"You mean Gasper..." Issei began in caution

"Yes. It looks like Gasper has fallen into enemy hands." Sirzechs concluded, his words only confirming the worry the trio felt as they either gripped their swords or hands tightly

"Oh no..." Kiba got out, a glare appearing on his face as magic explodes from outside the school, hitting and erasing some random guards that somehow were around this entire time. Wow, they did a great job at staying hidden.

"Our guards are disappearing. Teleportation magic I bet, which can only mean someone connected to the gate from within the barrier." Michael said

"A traitor huh?" Susanoo commented, his grin becoming one of bloodlust

"It appears so." Sirzechs responded with

"It looks like we've been cornered as well, as your transport troops look to have been sealed off from us all. The timing couldn't have been any more perfect." Amaterasu said, a glare appearing on her face

"We should take action soon. It could become increasingly dangerous shall Gasper get any stronger than this, and how knows what the enemy could do to make this happen." Sirzechs would tell everyone, shocking Issei

"Gasper is that strong..." He muttered to himself

"Its because he's a mutation piece." Kiba would reply with, only confusing the brown haired male

"A mutation piece?" He would question

"Its essentially a Peerage piece that mutates in order to fit the person that it is trying to transform and reincarnate. For someone like Gasper it would've taken many of Rias' normal pieces in order to bring him over to her Peerage, but it was only done with one Bishop piece. Meaning it mutated." Serafall would tell the Longinus user, who went wide eyed as a result

"Guess that means he's pretty awesome, huh?" Issei said, and if it wasn't for the threat of imminent danger probably would've chuckled

"Well if we don't do something about this kid soon he might become too dangerous for us to handle soon. Anyone got a plan?" Azazel would ask everyone and, surprisingly, Ryo came up with one

"I'll go in there and get him out. If he's trapped then that means Koneko is also trapped with him, and I'd rather not have them both in there." The white-red haired male said in response, the Rias Trio's eyes nearly bulging out of their heads

"Oh hell, Koneko's also there!" They screamed out to themselves, and there was no doubt in anyone mind that if said rook was here she would've probably facepalmed at that

"Wouldn't it be easier for us just to go over there and destroy the place? I can do it for you if you want." Vali said with a grin on his face, getting issei to glare death at him

"Go suck a dick!" He exclaimed, throwing him the middle finger and all which his rival merely shrugged off

"Vali, do try and be more considerate. After all we're trying to make peace here." Azazel told the Longinus user, who chuckled at him amused

"Sorry, it's just hard to sit here and do nothing as all this goes down." Vali replied, the Fallen Angel smirking right at him

"Then how about you go take care of those magicians over there? It'll help cure your boredom." He suggested, the blue eyed male smirking back as he walked up to a nearby window

"Gladly." Vali said, eyes glinting blue before he outstretched a hand towards the window, immediately shattering it. He didn't waste any time and jumped right out of it, activated a pair of white and blue dragonic like wings before he took towards the sky before jerking to a halt.

"Well here we go then! BALANCE BREAK!"

{Vanishing Dragon!}

Extending his hands before pulling them back in a battle position, a blue aura would suddenly cover Vali until a mechanical white armor began to cover him in the shape of a dragon, much similar to that of Issei's Balance Breaker, although slightly bulkier with more white, black, and blue to it.


Vali wasted no time in flying towards a random magician, said person attempting to fire magical balls at the white haired male who just shrugged them off before delivering a devastating blow to his stomach, immediately dispersing him into particles. Vali wasn't done there, as he dash towards another magician and grab them by the face and launch them into another magician, extending his hand out towards them and firing a blue and white blast that no only took them out, but a couple dozen more enemies behind them. Smirking within his helmet, Vali would have a orb of energy form in his hands before raising his arm into the sky, extending his palm out before e he let the energy explode into a ball of pure power, dispersing more magicians along the way.

"...Well then, guess I'm going as well." Ryo said as he watched the slaughter outside, only to be stopped when he heard two footsteps behind him

"You think we're letting you go alone? We're coming too." Issei said as both him and Xenovia stood determined behind him

"They might have something to counter you if they knew you were coming in some way, and I can't have the future father of my child die to something as low as this." The sword wielder said, making both Ryo and Issei sweatdrop as others in the room did a double take

"F-F-FUTURE HUH?!" Irina screamed out in her mind, jaw dropped to the ground and eyes wide

"Well if you're coming..." Ryo said before he grabbed the two, Xenovia over his shoulder and Issei under his arm, surprising the two as they could only let out a noise of caution at the sudden move. That wouldn't be all, as Ryo would proceed to kick a large hole in the wall before him before jumping out with the two, booking it towards the ORC building and dodging many magic attacks from all angles in the process.

"Then let's make this quick."

"We're so f*cked!"

"Don't worry you two, I shall guard you with my Durandal!"

It would be silent with the leaders for a few moments, watching as the magicians fought the people outside.

"So...Should we take care of this? One snap and poof, gone." Serafall questioned, cute head tilt and everything

"Nah, let's see how this goes." Azazel replied with as he looked outside, in wonder of what could possibly happen next. If only they knew, or else they could've made the proper precautions. Reason? Well, a certain Dragon God stood on top of the school silent and observing, that's why.

"Its time."

Highschool DxD x Oc/Male Reader - Chapter 41 - TheMeepDragon (2024)


Who is the main male character in high school DxD? ›

Issei Hyodo (兵藤 一誠, Hyōdō Issei, Issei Hyoudou) is the viewpoint character and main protagonist of High School DxD.

Who is the red haired girl in highschool DxD? ›

Rias Gremory (リアス・グレモリー, Riasu Guremorī) is a fictional character who appears in the light novel, anime, and manga series High School DxD authored by Ichiei Ishibumi. Rias is the main love interest of the main character, Issei Hyoudou.

Is there a high school DxD? ›

High School DxD (Japanese: ハイスクールD×D, Hepburn: Haisukūru Dī Dī) is a Japanese light novel series written by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama-Zero.

Who killed Rias? ›

Rias actually offers to help Issei overcome his trauma, but he refuses. In Chapter 35, Issei betrays the ORC, revealing that his attack on the Gremory Residence was planned for the sole reason of Issei being defeated and becoming a Devil. He kills Rias soon afterwards.

Who loves Issei the most? ›

Rias Gremory. Rias is the woman who reincarnated Issei after Raynare killed him and the woman he loves. When she first summoned him, she treated him as a "special" case, knowing that he had a lot of potential.

Did Issei have kids with Rias? ›

Ex Gremory, code-named God-Slayer Blade of the Scarlet Apocalypse, is the son of Issei Hyoudou and Rias Gremory.

Who married Issei? ›

At the end of the volume, Issei asks Rias if he could talk to her casually in private times, to which she happily replies yes. In Volume 22, the two become engaged when Issei proposes to Rias after her graduation ceremony.

How tall is Rias? ›

Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. Rias' height is 172 cm. (5 feet 8 inches), making her one of the tallest female characters of the series.

Is Issei a god? ›

He is too dangerous now! Grim Reaper Pluto's thoughts on Issei Hyoudou. Issei's power distorting the area. As a Shinto God born from the vast energies of the Sun and the essence of Amaterasu-o-mi-kami, Issei is considered to be one of the strongest existences on the planet Earth, as well as the Supernatural World.

Is High School DxD 18 plus? ›

Due to its mature themes and explicit content, "High School DxD" is generally recommended for mature audiences, typically those over the age of 18.

How old is Rias in High School DxD? ›

Rias Gremory is 18 years old in human years, but as a high-ranking devil, she's been around for much longer! Watch Highschool DxD by winning Crunchyroll credit on Playbite!

What does DD stand for in High School DxD? ›

The DXD in high school DXD has three meaning that was discussed inthe light novel. Dragon of Dragons. Devils Dragons Downfall. Diabolos Dragon God & Lucifer.

Who is 666 in DxD? ›

666 (Trihexa) is a legendary being known as the Apocalyptic Beast and Emperor Beast of Apocalypse. It is the Beast recorded in the Apocalypse.

Does Rias hate Issei? ›

Following the events of Volume 2, Rias falls madly in love with Issei and attempts to keep him away from the other girls who may have affections for him. This includes, but is not limited to, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Koneko, Irina, and Ravel. She loves him very much and is willing to do anything with and for him.

Who is the male version of Rias? ›

Sirzechs is a handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson hair and blue eyes (blue-green in the anime season 1-3) inherited from his father, Zeoticus, similar to Rias. In fact, Issei has described him as the male version of Rias.

Does Issei like Rias or Akeno? ›

Issei Hyoudou

Akeno is madly in love with Issei, but she isn't his official girlfriend because he loves Rias. Akeno cares a great deal for Rias and does not want to destroy her relationship with Issei, but she does declare that she will be Issei's mistress.

Who is Issei married to? ›

Rias Gremory

Rias possesses immense demonic powers and is known for her beauty and grace. She is Issei's first and primary wife in the series.

Who is the strongest human in DxD? ›

Cao Cao, the wielder of the Strongest Longinus, True Longinus known the "The Strongest Human" by Vali.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.