Highschool DXD - The True Harem King - Chapter 1 - DXDWriter (2024)

Chapter Text

===== Monday - Day 1 (part 1) =====

----- Murayama's House - Murayama POV -----

Murayama's thumbs jab away at her cell phone as she slips her school shoes on.

Murayama: Katase, you're not going to believe this hot guy I'm bringing to school with me today.

Katase: ...

Murayama: I bumped into him yesterday while I was out with my mom. Literally. He was running, and it looked like he had been running for days and he ran straight into me.

Katase: ...

Murayama: He was totally exhausted, and my mom took him home and put him to bed. He slept most of the day, and when he woke up, he said that he had no memory of where he was from or anything. All he could tell us was that his name was (y/n).

Katase: ...

Murayama: Where are you. I need to tell you about him. My mom says that she thinks he must have suffered a traumatic experience. She says that he can stay with us until his memory returns.

Katase: ...

Murayama: I gotta go. I'll tell you about it at school. I have to go wake him up now. See ya.


Murayama knocks on (y/n)'s bedroom door, but is just greeted with silence.

Murayama: Wake up sleepy head, it's time to get up.

She knocks again a little louder.

Murayama: Come on (y/n), you'll be late for school.

Still nothing.

Murayama: You don't want to be late on your first day do you?

Should I go in? He could be getting dressed. He could be naked.

Murayama feels her face start to go red thinking about catching (y/n) naked.

It's not like I haven't tried really hard to wake him from out here. That's it. I'm going in.

Murayama slowly turns the door knob and opens (y/n)'s door. The room appears to be empty, and (y/n)'s bed is newly made.

Where is he? He must be downstairs already.

Murayama rushes down the stairs two at a time and into the kitchen where her mother is humming to herself.

Murayama: Mom. Where's (y/n)? He's not in his room.

Mrs Saito: I know dear. He left early. He wanted to go for a run before school started. I made him a quick breakfast, and then he stuffed his school uniform in his backpack and ran off. You don't get a body like his without plenty of exercise you know.

Murayama: Eww mom.

Mrs Saito: Don't pretend that you haven't noticed what a great bod he has.

Murayama: Of course I've noticed. But you shouldn't have. What would dad say.

Mrs Saito: Well, your father isn't around is he. I'm so tired of these business trips. He called earlier, and he said it's going to be at least another two weeks before he can come home. I'm sick of it.

Murayama: I'm sorry mom. I know it's hard.

Murayama grabs up a slice of toast from the breakfast table and quickly spreads it with butter and jam. She takes one quick bite and then snatches up her school bag and slings it over one shoulder.

Murayama: I'd better go. I want to be at school before (y/n) to show him around.

Mrs Saito: Yes. You take good care of him today. It's hard enough going to a new school normally, but having lost all of his memories...

Murayama: I know mom. I'll take good care of him. See ya tonight.

Mrs Saito: Have a good day dear.

With that, Murayama runs out of the door and off to school.

----- (y/n) POV -----

The school is deserted when you run through the school gates. You run straight into the school and jog all around, getting yourself acquainted with the place. As soon as you locate the gym, you find the boys locker room and go in and stripped off. You take a quick shower and then dress in your new school uniform. Stuffing your sweaty clothes into your backpack, you make your way back to the main office. You're almost there when you hear your name called.

Murayama: (y/n), there you are. I've been looking all over for you.

(y/n): Sorry. I was just going to the office to get my schedule.

Murayama: Don't worry about that. My mom already sorted everything with the school. You're in class 2b with me. They're treating you like a transfer student. Come on, I'll show you the way.

She links her arm with yours and guides you the short distance to your new classroom.

Murayama: Wait here. Miss Akiyama will call you in.

Murayama rushes into the classroom looking excited, and you wait patiently to hear your name called. The door opens again, and an attractive young teacher pokes her head out and greets you with a smile.

Miss Akiyama just stares at you for a few seconds and a slight pink tint rises on her cheeks.

Miss Akiyama: Erm, hello. You must be (y/n). It's very nice to meet you. Could you come in please, and introduce yourself to your new classmates.

Wow. Murayama could have warned me that the teacher was so pretty. She can't be that much older than her students.

You feel a slight heat in your own cheeks, and you smile at your new teacher. Miss Akiyama smiles back at you and disappears into the room. You brace yourself for meeting your new class and step inside. As you enter there is a collective intake of breath and then the class erupts in chatter, and you can't help but notice that the girls seriously outnumber the boys. Not that you're complaining.

Unknown boy: Damn, it's another boy, I was hoping for a sexy hot babe.
Unknown boy 2: Yeah, and look at the way the girls are looking at him.
Unknown boy 3: It's bad enough with Kiba, now we have another one to contend with.

Unknown girl: You weren't kidding when you said he was hot.
Murayama: I told you.
Unknown girl 2: He's as good looking as Kiba.
Unknown girl 3: Yeah, except Kiba is a pretty boy, (y/n) looks like he's a bad boy.
Unknown girl 2: Yeah, he does look like a bad boy. That just makes him hotter.
Unknown girl: And he's living with you? Do you still have that broken lock on the bathroom door?
Unknown girl 2: He could break in and ravish you while you're bathing, or even into your bedroom in the middle of the night while you sleep.
Unknown girl 3: She should be so lucky.

This last comment causes the girls to all start giggling, until another girl speaks up.

Unknown girl 4: My god. Look at the size of his packet.

Did she really just say 'look at the size of my packet'. And I'm not a 'bad boy'. At least, I don't think I am.

You feel the heat returning to your face, and you look to Miss Akiyama hoping that she will return order to the class, but her face is as flushed as yours, and even she is looking at your 'packet'.

Miss Akiyama: Oh, erm, yes. Can we have some quiet please, so that (y/n) can introduce himself.

The chatter stops and you look back at your new classmates. The girls are all giggling and their eyes are mostly focused below your waist. The boys on the other hand are all staring daggers at you, and if looks could kill, you would already be six foot under.

Oh well, I might as well get on with it.

(y/n): Hello everyone. My name is (y/n) (l/n). I'm afraid that I can't tell you anything about myself, because I have lost all of my memories, but I hope we can all be friends.

Miss Akiyama: Very good (y/n). You can take the empty seat there next to Issei.

Issei. That's one of the perverted trio that Murayama told me about. And those two boys behind him must be the others.

As you look at Issei, you can feel an intense loathing take over you, and by the way he is looking at you, the feeling is mutual. It's not just that he's a pervert, all three of them are, and because of that you think that they're despicable, but with Issei it's different. You have an almost overwhelming urge to go over and punch him in the face, and from what you can tell, he is having the same struggle not attacking you. Mrs Akiyama turns to clean the blackboard, and you start towards your new seat, when a cute young girl enters the room. She looks like she is about a year younger than you are, so she must be a first year. She walks over to Issei's desk passing straight by you. As she is next to you, she glances up at you and you give her a warm smile. She doesn't smile back at you, and instead just looks straight back at Issei, but you do notice a pink tint rising on her cheeks. For some reason, this seems to push Issei over the edge and he jumps up from his desk and takes a swinging uppercut at you. Somehow, without you noticing, he has put some sort of savage looking red gauntlet on his hand, but you still don't find him even slightly intimidating.

Issei: How dare you look at Koneko.

You almost laugh out loud. Issei looks like a total wimp, and his swing at you is so slow you don't know if you should dodge it or just catch it in your hand. Before the punch reaches you however, Koneko jump between the two of you to block the shot.

Koneko: Issei no!

The punch must have been more powerful than you thought, because some of the jagged bits on Issei's gauntlet snag on Koneko's clothes and just shred both the shirt and the bra underneath leaving the poor girl half naked. Koneko just stands there with her hands cupping her small breasts and a murderous expression on her face. You step past Koneko and swing a short hook at Issei, making a solid connection with his jaw and putting him on the floor. He catches a chair on the way down making enough noise that the entire class looks your way, including Miss Akiyama. You turn to Koneko and take off your shirt and hand it to her. Her expression softens and her look turns more to one of puzzlement. She takes your shirt and you catch a quick glimpse of one of her breasts before you avert your gaze.

Koneko: Thank you.

(y/n): You're more than welcome.

Miss Akiyama: What on earth is going on here?

You are about to say something before Koneko answers in a flat tone.

Koneko: Issei slipped and ripped my clothes, and this boy gave me his shirt to cover up with.

Koneko walks over to Issei, stepping out from in front of you and revealing your naked torso to the class.

Miss Akiyama: Oh my god.

All of the girls in the class just stare at you, open mouthed and practically drooling. Koneko picks Issei up and throws him over her shoulder as if he's a rag doll and you do a double take.

How on earth can she do that? I know Issei is a wimp, but that tiny girl must be super strong.

Koneko: I'll take Issei to the infirmary.

Koneko walks out of the room with Issei, who is just looking around the room bleary eyed, and all of the girls are still just staring at you. You pick up Issei's chair and put it under his desk, and you notice the other two members of the perverted trio. They are also staring at you, but their look is filled with fear.

Good. If they're scared enough, maybe they'll stop doing all of their perverted sh*t.

The girls, while still staring, slowly start to chatter about you.

Murayama: I knew (y/n) was fit, but I didn't expect that.
Unknown girl: Yeah, just look at those abs.
Unknown girl 2: They're so sculpted. It's like a little ladder.
Unknown girl 3: I'd climb that ladder.
Unknown girl 4: I'd climb 'down' that ladder.

That's the same girl who said look at my packet. She's as perverted as the perverted trio.

Miss Akiyama: (y/n), you need to put a shirt on. The girls won't be able to concentrate with you showing off your pecs like that. No one could be expected to work with one of her students looking like that. I, err, I mean with a classmate looking like that.

Miss Akiyama starts to go red again, and she waves one hand near her face to cool herself off.

(y/n): All I have is the shirt I ran to school in. It's really sweaty I'm afraid.

Miss Akiyama: Well that will have to do.

This causes a few groans from the girls in the class who are obviously disappointed that you are no longer going to be showing off your physique. You go to your backpack, retrieve your shirt and pull it on. As you walk back to your seat, the girl sitting next to Murayama leans in and sniffs you. She is a cute girl with shoulder length pinkish hair.

Murayama: Katase! What are you doing.

(y/n): It's okay. I know I probably stink.

Katase: Oh no. You don't stink. Sweat only stinks when it's stale. You smell... good.

Katase turns away from you, and you notice her blushing furiously. You continue back to your chair, and every other girl you pass leans in to sniff at you too. You don't pass directly past the perverted girl, but she makes a big deal of sniffing the air, as if she can smell you across the room.

Perverted girl: Gotta love the smell of testosterone in the morning.

You make it back to your seat, and thankfully Miss Akiyama starts the lesson, and everyone's attention is drawn away from you. You do your best to remain anonymous for the rest of the day, and you're grateful when the final bell rings at last. You try to make a quick exit, but Murayama and her friend Katase intercept you. Katase looks up at you with a big smile.

Katase: You're walking us home.

Murayama: This is my friend Katase. And yes, could you walk home with us both?

(y/n): Hello Katase. Yeah, I can walk you both home. Let's get outta here.


As you leave the school, the girls each link arms with you and lean into you. It's slightly awkward to walk, but both girls are cute, so it's not an entirely unpleasant walk.

Katase: That was some punch you gave Issei.

(y/n): Oh, you saw that did you? Not really something I'm proud of.

Katase: Don't worry. He totally deserves it.

(y/n): I'm not normally a violent person. Or at least, I don't think I am.

Katase: It must be so hard not being able to remember anything.

(y/n): Yes, it's not easy. I don't know who I am, or what sort of person I am even. I could be a terrible person and I don't even know it.

Murayama: Well I know. You're a good person. Just losing your memory doesn't change that. I mean look, you gave Koneko your shirt. That's the sort of thing a decent person does, not a bad one. I just know you're good, and so will you as soon as your memory returns. I want you to tell me the second you remember anything.

Murayama looks at you with a serious expression, and pulls in even closer to you, and you can't help but give her a warm smile.

(y/n): Okay, if I remember anything, you'll be the first to know.

You walk on in silence, but you feel the warmth from these two cute girls and you find to your surprise that you actually feel happy.

I may have lost my memory, but life could be a lot worse.

You go to Katase's house first and she thanks you before kissing your cheek and slowly walking inside. You then walk Murayama to her door and wait for her to go in.

(y/n): Well, here we are.

Murayama: You not coming in?

(y/n): No, I'm going to go for a run first. I'll see you in a hour or so.

Murayama: Oh, okay. I'll see you later then.

Murayama looks disappointed, but she enters her house and you set off on your run.

Highschool DXD - The True Harem King - Chapter 1 - DXDWriter (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.