I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (2024)

Cloud Rookie

Senior Guild Member

Join Date: 17th Oct, 2004

Location: Over there! *points*

Posts: 1,027

I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (1)I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED!



Hello, and welcome, one and all, to my "I'm leaving so here's a chance to pillage my sorrowful corpse of all the rare crap I have" contest. Yes, that’s right, I’m leaving KoL. Perhaps forever, perhaps not; but right now, the magical kingdom, to which I have devoted much time and effort, interests me no longer.

And so I bring to you this contest.

The prizes, all with their own individual categories, are as follows:

Higher Tier:

A. The Complete Current [Oct'04-Sept'05] Familiar of the Month Collection [49 entrants][CLOSED]
B. The Complete Current [Oct'04-Sept'05] Item-of-the-Month Collection [13 entrants]
C. 100,000,000 Meat [8 entrants]
D. 50,000,000 Meat [6 entrants]

Lower Tier:

E. 4 Tiny Plastic Swords [4 entrants]
F. A Crimbo Stocking and 5,000,000 Meat [4 entrants]
G. My un-used Softcore Ascension Stash [9 entrants]

For the exact constituents of these prizes, please read on, or look at my display in my profile (Cloud Rookie, #167962 [The meat paste and stacks are just there to represent the meat]).

All submissions to any category should be sent to


Every entry must contain your forum name and your player ID and name, and the subject must contain "Contest X", with X being the category you are entering.

*There are no longer any tier restrictions. Enter as many categories you wish.

I will keep a running total of entrants beside each category.

Higher Tier:

Contest A: The Complete Current Familiar of the Month Collection [CLOSED]
I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (2)


Originally Posted by Contest A

Dark Jill-O-Lantern (1)
Hand Turkey Outline (1)
Crimbo elfling (1)
Orphan baby Yeti (1)
Silk Garter Snake (1)
Emo Roe (1)
Personal Raindrop (1)
Deflated Inflatable Dodecapede (1)
Pygmy Bugbear Shaman (1)

Your task for this category is simple: get me genuinely interested in a band I am not currently interested in. This comes in two stages: First, you must send me an email, in roughly 150 words, why either you like this band, or why you think I will like them. When (and only when) I respond to this email in the affirmative, you will then be eligible for sending me three (3) mp3 files of the artist you recommend. If you cannot, for one reason or another, send me the individual tracks, then you may tell me the tracks and I shall try and download them in my own time. However, keep in mind that school and other limitations may mean I don’t get to download them, so obviously sending the tracks directly is better.

In a nutshell: Send me an email in about 150 words telling me why you like, or why I will like, a particular artist. If I respond, you will be allowed to either email me three (3) .mp3 files or to tell me which tracks to download.

My current tastes are varied: ranging from Cake, Weezer, They Might Be Giants, to Placebo, Interpol, and Bloc Party. I’m also fond of progressive instrumental music like Mylo or Xploding Plastix, but then I’m also partial to some Dragonforce and Helloween. Green Day and Nine Inch Nails are good too, and you can’t go wrong with some crazy J-rock. In short, I like clever lyrics, powerful riffs, and uplifting tunes. Some of my current favourite tracks include English Summer Rain by Placebo, Evil by Interpol, Ana Ng and Birdhouse in Your Soul by TMBG, Why Bother and El Scorcho by Weezer, and Pentagram by Cake.


You are allowed as many 150-word emails as you wish, within reason, but only one attempt at submitting/suggesting the 3 crucial tracks. (If a long time passes with no successful submissions, everyone will get a second chance). I am only counting an official "entrant" as one who sends me the tracks after I give the go-ahead; the 150-word email isn't enough to validate an entry.

EDIT: Okay, now there is a limit to how many tracks I am going to have: 111 (one hundred eleven). This is to prevent me from being completely inundated with music (though perhaps I already am ^.^;), but really, if I get too much, it will be impossible to judge the music effectively within a feasible time frame. Keep in mind that your email still needs to be validated before I can actually receive tracks, so this won't be over as quickly as you think.

EDIT2:PLEASE STOP SENDING ME .WMAs, I'M USING ITUNES ONLY AND WILL NOT LISTEN TO WMAs. Sorry, it would just be awkward for me to switch to WMP when 99% of the tracks sent to me so far are on iTunes.

Contest B: The Complete Current Item-of-the-Month Collection
I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (3)


Originally Posted by Contest B

Lucky Tam O’Shanter (1)
Miniature Gravy-covered Maypole (1)
Wax Lips (1)
Jekyllin Hide Belt (1)

Now for some art! There will be other art opportunities in this contest as well as this one, so don’t ye worry.

Keeping in tune with the Mr. Store items, I request that you draw the interior of the Mr. Store. You can either pick a month you prefer, or draw a timeless piece that isn’t any particular month, or whatever. You could have every familiar and familiar item stored in some way or another, or your own, made-up, vaguely familiar-esque creations. Go wild! Be imaginative! Interpret the mystical interior, and indeed Mr. Shopkeeper himself, in your own fashion.

Submissions in an acceptable format and size; you can either email me the image file directly, or send me the link where you have it uploaded. http://www.imageshack.us and http://www.photobucket.com are good free upload sites.

Contest C: 100,000,000 Meat
I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (4)

Aaah…. Meat, meat, meat. The root of all evil? Who cares, this is one-hundred million. And you want it. OMGARTPLZ!

To obtain this mini-motherload? I need you, if only briefly, to learn about another, non-internet related (GASP!) interest of mine. It is known as the art of “tricking”. The owner of http://www.trickstutorials.com “Jujimufu”, describes it as “an aesthetic blend of flips, kicks, and twists”. Essentially, it is a free-form fusion of gymnastics, martial arts, and breakdancing. Some of you may have heard of “le parkour”, or free running – it is on a similar vein to that.

On the Tricks Tutorials forums, myself and 2 friends have formed our own mini tricking team – Team Bagel – under which name we produce videos.

Your task for this category is as follows: Draw Team Bagel. It can be an in any style you wish – cartoony, photo-realism, anime/manga style – anything. I would prefer a slick anime-esque style with bold, thick strokes, and CG or cel-shading. Thick outlines are nice. But it really is entirely up to you – if you think you can impress me with a style I don’t expect, then go for it. I am also very fond of the style of art in the recent Ultimate X-men comics, I believe it is by Adam Kubert – the drawings and colouring in that is fantastic. In fact, anything by Adam Kubert is fantastic. I love his style. Anything between that and manga style is nice.

As for finding out what we look like… I think the best course of action is to actually watch some of our videos. That way, for those talented enough, you will get an opportunity to encapsulate our tricking style in your artwork.

It can either be a static piece, of us simply posing in a trinity/team fashion, or a collage of us tricking. You are also free to create your own Bagel insignia – I have so far created a different one for each of our videos. It can be serious, or funny – however we as a team come across to you.

I, Cloud Rookie, am named “Rook” on the Tricks Tutorials forums, and it is I who edit the videos and post them on the forums. Our team consists of the members Rook, Dragonic Mike, and KaosSoulja (Rook, Dragonic, and Kaos for short).

This video (right-click and save-as) is a compilation of some of the recent footage we have captured, edited together purely for this contest. I also recommend watching Bagel SAUSAGES, a recent sampler of ours, which has some footage used in the compilation. Feel free to browse the ftp these videos are hosted on (username and password both ‘tricks’), but keep in mind that bandwidth issues mean only one file can be downloaded at a time. Also, there are a few incomplete uploads due to connection problems, so as a guide, always download the larger if there are multiple versions of the same file. I would stay away from the older videos though, we sucked back then =P. (For additional viewing, I recommend Warning, Zomg, Arr (the two versions are just the same with a different song), and Beach).

EDIT: Here's a new vid, right-click and save-as.

Good luck.

EDIT2: Here are some pictures I've uploaded of us:

Dragonic Mike [1][2][3]
KaosSoulja [1][2][3][4]
Rook [1][2][3][4]
Misc - [1][2]

Contest D: 50,000,000 Meat
I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (5)

I thought I’d finish off the higher tier with another art contest (apologies to the truly talented writers, there will be opportunities for you in the lower tier).

I’m currently a big fan of the anime Naruto, and am rabidly downloading the torrents from narutochaos.com. I would like a piece of Naruto fan-art – but with a twist. To make sure that this piece of art is absolutely unique, it has to include me ^_^

That’s right, I want to be included. Egotistical, maybe. But I’m giving away 50,000,000 meat here so I think I’m allowed.

First off, I’ve seen pretty much every publicly available (subbed) episode, so there’s not too much to worry about. As for the details of the pic, you have a certain amount of freedom: It can be a fight, such as an amicable training session or a clash with an enemy, or simply posing, or sitting together. Don’t worry about fitting me into the plot or anything, which would just be silly. ^.^; If you want to really impress me, you can make a multi-panel, manga-esque comic. It doesn’t have to include speaking; don’t put it in if it will ruin it.

Characters to include: I recommend including Neji, Kiba & Akamaru, Naruto if you have to, and Shikamaru. You could also include Kakashi too if you wish. As for villains, choose whoever you think will suit the scene you are depicting – I don’t mind whether you show the sand shinobi (Gaara, Temari, and Kankurou) as allies or villains. And as for me, I, as my name suggests, am based off Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. Thus, stick to his likeness as best you can. Normally I would specify KoL equipment such as Demonskins and Baios, but if you can make me look like a Ninja who would fit in then go for it. That would be very cool.

Feel free to ask me any questions, either publicly or emailed to leaving.contest@gmail.com. If you don’t know about or watch Naruto, you’re perfectly free to google images and try and draw from them – but of course, prior knowledge of the anime will help a lot ^.^;

Lower Tier

Contest E: 4 Tiny Plastic Swords

For this, I’d like a piece of fan fiction set any time before Final Fantasy VII. Feel free to incorporate characters you’ve made up, based on theories or just pure fantasy (har har). It can be set pretty much ANY time before the start of the game, and indeed may end with the beginning of the game. You may use a format whereby it is a scene from the game, or within the game’s timeframe, with a flashback to your story – but I’d rather the focus was on your story of the past. The plot can be either something every player will now, but is not explained in-game, or something that is hinted at, or indeed some random theory you’ve been cooking up.

Again, please feel free to ask me questions either here on via email.

Length? Manageable. Y’know, not too long, not too short. As a guide, 1-2-3 sides in Word in an average sized font, so, like, 500-1000 words, but PLEASE go on longer if necessary, and if it will not damage the story.

Contest F: A Crimbo Stocking and 5,000,000 Meat

A slightly odd task for this; I’d like a piece of fanfiction based around Team Bagel, as per contest C. I’d like you to write, in a somewhat lesser length than contest E, a completely fantasy story as to how Team Bagel was formed. Obviously, bagels should probably be involved, but just go wild as to how we met. Watching our videos would probably help, and as for locations, we made our first good Bagel video outside a cathedral in Hereford, near where Mike (Kaos) lives. But seriously, just go crazy as to our back stories, create hidden agendas, where we trained, etc, etc.

And of course, ask questions. Usual method.

Contest G: My Unused Softcore Ascension Stash


Originally Posted by Contest G

Knob sausage chow mein (125)
bat wing chow mein (125)
rat appendix chow mein (125)
spectral pickle (83)
tofu chow mein (28)
lime (250)
cherry (250)
jumbo olive (250)
bottle of tequila (125)
bottle of whiskey (125)
bottle of gin (125)

My first run was hardcore, and I suddenly realised that Hardcore was the only way for me… it changed my view of the game. Thus, I never got round to using this stash I paid millions for. Heh.

This contest is a little vague; essentially, I’d like a portrayal of my character leaving KoL. This can be done either pictorially or in the form of writing, I don’t mind. Nor am I fussed over the details of the picture or the story. If you know me personally on KoL then yay for you, you may know some of history; but not knowing me will not necessarily inhibit you producing a great piece.

I suppose it would make sense to have me wearing what my current /whois shows, the few stainless steel items I have so far, since that’ll be what I’ll leave my account as most of the time, unless I ascend Hardcore Oxygenarian if I ever play again. Other than that, usual deal; loosely based off Cloud from FFVII.

Despite the fact I’m leaving, I’m still rather fond of the game, and I did build up, as I tend to do with most games, a somewhat encyclopaedic memory of its nooks and crannies, ins and outs (though now as the game evolves whilst I don’t play, this is becoming less and less true); I knew the game very well, basically.

Please ask questions pertaining to any uncertainties. Usual method.

Dates, prize giving, all that jazz:

Closing date will be

*the 13th of November.

At that date all contests will be closed and I will spend a few days deciding the winners, and runners up if applicable.

To receive your prize, please tell me in an email to leaving.contest@gmail.com how you would like it sent. You basically have 2 options – sent to your main character in exactly-three-shaped boxes, or sent to a multi. I would recommend the latter, unless your main will definitely not be in ronin/hardcore when I send it, since some of the prizes are quite large and would require multiple dispatches on my part.

If you have any queries as to the structure of the contest (e.g. it is completely and utterly fundamentally flawed) please say, though I’m fairly satisfied what I have in place will work. This is my first contest, so, be gentle ^.^;

GOOD LUCK~!!11111oneoneone

Originally posted by [b]Starn] Just for the record, Cloud Rookie is a bitch.


I'm leaving; have my stuff! WINNERS ANNOUNCED! (2024)


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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.